Latest News at IOSSC

Sunday 23rd February

On Sunday 23rd February, members took the flag mast down in preparation for the recovering of the viewing room roof on Friday. The rusty old tabernacle that has braced and supported the mast for over 60 years has been removed and a new mast will be erected when the roof has been repaired. Once the roof is watertight it will be possible to repair the viewing room ceiling and redecorate the room to make it habitable once more. 

Thanks to Scott Atkinson, Mark Seagar, Ken Sykes, Ken Shepherd, Ian Brunger, Merlin Hancock, Jeff Barber, Chris Goymer and anyone else who was there.

Kent Boat Jumble Tickets

Kent Boat Jumble, we have two free tickets. Anyone who wants them please comment below; 

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Sunday 9th February

Report from Lee Marriott, photos from Richard Proctor

Finally the weather allowed some sailing to take place, with 4 intrepid sailors braving the cold to be greated by a nice Ely wind about 8 to 10kts.

All eyes on the new boat which has appeared in the boat park curtesy of Russell Wheeler who continues his boat breading regime. This time sporting a beautiful grey and white Blaze which happens to match the same gel coat filler as all his other boats. After breakfast served by the amazing Elaine, the 4 sailors ventured afloat, 3 blazes (Lee M, Russ W & Chris G) and 1 solo (Mick G) gracefully assisted by Mark Seagar acting as trolly dolly.

Race 1 (Frostbite Race 5). The line had a slight port bias but not much to benefit a port flyer. All sailors started on Stbd and did a bee line for fishing buoy. Lee edging ahead to be first at the windward mark, immediately followed by Chris and Russ. Pleasantries were exchanged as everyone tried to establish an over lap and at the same time, counter the strong ebb tide. Lee held position with Chris and Russ swapping throughout. The run was similar with the boats seemingly going off to battle in the opposite direction to the course. Meanwhile, Mick in the solo sailing the shortest distance to close the gap. Lee held position again rounded the leeward mark tight and closing the door on Chris who decided to go inshore. Russ and Lee headed offshore, only mainly slightly as the wind shifted, but helped by the tide. Russ got ahead of Chris. It stayed pretty much the same close racing for the final 2 laps. Chris dropping his tiller and nearly capsizing allowing the others to pull ahead ever so slightly more.
Line honours taken by mick having done 3 laps, then Lee, followed by Russ, then Chris doing 4 laps. The smirk on Lees face having won could have been seen from space.


Race 2 (Frostbite Race 6). Wind dropped slightly and backed to a more NNE direction. 3 boats started safe on Stbd, with Chris risking a port flyer which worked! At the same time Mick complaining Lee had stolen his wind.. get a blaze then, was the response!

Chris rounded the mark and it was time to cover and ensure Lee didn't pass. This allowed Russ to catch up. As the boats approached the wing mark Lee caught a wave and a gust right and undertook Chris and cleared just before the 3 boat length zone. Gybing then heading up all three Blazes caught for dominance. Russ pushed Chris up, who pushed Lee up. It was all very exciting. Lee with the inside track kept ahead and increased the distance allowing Chris and Russ to fight it out. Having been pushed so far up, it meant all three blazes had to gybe onto stbd to head back towards the buoy. Again, allowing Mick to sail the perfect short course and close the gap. Lee pulled well ahead with Russ Getting the better of Chris. The last lap became a procession and it finished as race 1. Lee, russ and Chris, all eyes are now on the results... The blazes sailors unsure if they did enough to keep the solo at bay. Yes they had, but only just. IOSSC continues to provide good quality, close racing with only seconds between boats, all pushing the boundaries. Thanks to all those that helped. Merlin with 2 new members in the safety boat, Elaine in the kitchen and tower, with Mark and Ken. What a day what a club! Love it!!!!

Full results can be found here:


Sunday 19th January

The 2 Races, Frost Bite 1 and 2 on 19th January were originally scheduled for the previous Sunday, 12th January, they were postponed because there was no wind, a strong tide and the launch ramp was covered in frost.Two races were scheduled for Sunday on what was a bitterly cold January day with light winds from the SE. The day started badly with the RO raising the Commodore's swallowtail pennant upside down, but that aside 5 boats signed on for the races. Competition was fierce with the Sea Cadets trying to bribe the RO with a chocolate bar, the anti was raised when James suggested he had an airport size Toblerone if he was to win. The racing was delayed by 45 mins waiting for the rising tide to fill in. The Sea Cadets were last to launch as being the only double handed crew volunteered to bring the trolleys up the beach to miss the rising tide. Well done guys. Mark had set a short triangular anti clockwise course due to the light winds. In such light winds the racing was never going to be exciting but in race 1 all 5 boats started well with the 2 Blazes helmed by Chris and Alex pulling away followed by Mick in the Solo. The Sea Cadets tried setting their spinnaker on the downwind section but there was just not enough wind to fill it and gain any advantage. James' small Topper followed in 5th position and when taking in the handicap may well have taken race honours. At the end of 30 mins the 2 Blazes of Chris and Alex and Mick's beautifully prepared Solo completed 3 laps and the Vago and Topper completing 2 laps.James called it a day after race 1 in his Topper due to the cold conditions but Dave took over the helm so once again 5 boats lined up for Race 2. The wind had increased marginally to 7 mph for the start and again most made a good start. Unfortunately the Topper tried to start close to shore but got caught in irons and retired. Race 2 followed the same format as race 1 with the 2 Blazes setting the pace, however for some reason Chris hit the outer pole coming through the line on lap 1 and as it was in front of the clubhouse and the safety boat had no choice but to take a 360 penalty allowing Alex to close the gap. However, Chris maintained the lead over the water completing 3 laps with Alex and Mick maintaining a solid gap with the  Sea Cadets Vago completing 2 laps. Many thanks to Mark and Dave on the safety boat, Russ for inputting the results and Derek as RO with a big thankyou to the Bluetits for the sausage rolls, soup and cake.

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Start Line Camera replaced

The Start line camera which will take a photo everytime the start/finish horn sound has been replaced and seems to be working well.

This photo shows the start of the Race 10 of the Winter Series. 

29th December - Winter Series

Apologies for the late write up and hope everyone had a great Xmas and New Year. Time seemed to have got in the way for me.

Anyway, the Sunday between Xmas and New Year saw a very cold South Westerly F2-3 breeze roll in for just the few hardy sailors willing to compete for the final races of the Winter Series.

With Chris Goymer already secured first place with a string of wins, he decided the warmest option was to help Mark Seager on the Safety boat. How wrong he was, with little activity and stationed for 90 minutes offshore, he was colder than the sailors.

Race 9 started with just just four boats, with Mick Greenland showing how best to sail a Solo in the fickle breeze, followed by Richard Proctor in his Blaze, Russell Wheeler still wobbling around on his Int Moth and Brandon Clymer and Ellis Bennett in the Laser Vago.

Race 10 was pretty much a duplicate of Race 9 with Mick leading the way, nearly falling foul of a strong tide. Heading inshore only to be greeted by a serious lack of wind.

After both races were completed, the overall results were calculated, with 8 races of the 10 completed (last year we only managed 1 race), congratulation to Chris for winning with a perfect scorecard.

1st Chris Goymer - Blaze

2nd Mick Greenland - Solo

3rd Russell Wheeler - Int Moth

All Winter Series races and final results can be seen here:


This Sunday coming brings the start of the Frostbite Series, ran in 2023 & 2024, both won by Russell Wheeler in his Blaze. Will he be able to retain the trophy sailing his Int Moth, I very much doubt it :)

15th December - Winter Series

With good mild weather showing and a westerly F3 (with holes), a group of five boats ably steered by their helms competed for Winter Series Races 7 & 8. 

Race 7 Chris Goymer in his Blaze showed good speed straight from the start and was never caught. Alex Perriman (Blaze) followed close behind, the rest were just dreaming of what could have been.

Race 8 and again Chris got away with Alex never far behind, on the third and final lap, Chris ventured a little too far out to sea, got caught in the tide, Alex meanwhile just kept inshore, picked up a lift and overtook Chris. All Alex had to do was hold the lead for the final three legs to the finish and he will win his first ever race. Leg 1 to gybe mark, no problem, leg 2 to the leeward mark, again, no problem, but Chris was getting closer. Then all that was needed was a short beat to the finish line. That's where it all went wrong, Chris split tacks going out in the tide, but with more wind. Alex continued inshore and out of the tide. When they came back together, Chris had gained and managed to beat Alex by 17 seconds. A lesson learnt for Alex, always cover the boat behind to a finish line.

With just two races left and Chris having a perfect score of wins in the races we have been completed, pressure will be on for second place.

Thank you to Elaine, Ken Shepherd, Mark Seager and Ken Sykes  for running the races, providing food and keeping us safe on the water.

Final two races of the Winter Series is in two weeks time on the 29th December, weather permitting and a few pounds heavier.

Results for these races and all the Winter Series can be found here.


13th December Christmas Party

Friday evening at the club brought fun and games for the Christmas Party, Santa's Sleigh Race was entered by just about everyone there. The Final featuring Paul, Chris M, Chris G and Ian had everyone cheering them on. The race was followed by Karaoke featuring the IOSSC singers with Christmas songs, lead by Olivia. Thanks to Ken Sykes for organizing the evening, Chris G for running the bar [when he wasn't racing], and everyone who attended. Next Friday evening, 20th December, featuring Christmas Carols, mulled wine and mince pies is our final Christmas event. 

Racing [sailing] continues on Sunday 15th and the last Winter Series race will be on 29th December.

8th December AGM

On 8th December 2024 the IOSSC AGM took place, thanks to those who attended. 2024 was another good year for the club with additional family and junior members joining. Improvements were made to the club house and will continue next year. From 1st January IOSSC will be taking over all of the Minster compound. 

Romayne Goymer resigned from her position as Secretary and Lincoln Hancock from his position as Rear Commodore Training. Both of them will still be supporting the club, with Romayne retaining her post as Social Secretary.  Mark Seagar agreed to remain as Bosun and Safety Boat Coxswain and Lee Marriott will be our publicity officer. If you are able to help any of the officers, please speak to them.

Subscriptions for 2025 have been increased by 5% except for Junior membership which has increased to £95. Prices for boat parking have not increased.

Officers elected at IOSSC AGM 08-12-24
Commodore Chris Goymer
Vice Commodore Elaine Turner
Treasurer Russell Wheeler
Secretary Abbie Williams
Rear Commodore House Ken Sykes
Rear Commodore Sailing Alex Perriman
Rear Commodore Training Scott Atkinson
Bosun/Safety Coxswain Mark Seagar
Social Secretary Romayne Goymer
Publicity/ Events officer Lee Marriott

Saturday 7th December - Storm Darragh

Update on boats, all seem okay at the moment.

Sunday 1st December

The weather forecast for Sunday 1st December was not good for sailing at IOSSC, SW winds of up to 28mph were on the cards and the fleet decided not to launch. The exception was the Sea Cadet Vago,  with James Oakley, Tede Gambel and Brandon Clymer, who ventured out, as Lincoln Hancock  launched his new powerboat project, Grey Dolphin.  A wreath making workshop was planned to take place at the club as the same time as the racing. This went ahead and some of the would be sailors took part, helping their partners with their festive decorations. 12 wreaths were made and the day turned into a pre Christmas social occasion. Thanks to Romayne Goymer for organizing the wreath making and everyone who attended.

Don't forget the AGM on Sunday 8th December at 11am.

December events at IOSSC

IOSSC AGM 8th December at 11am. Please attend if you can to elect club officers. If you would like to volunteer in any capacity please email Romayne at 

Sunday 17th November

Races Winter 3 and 4 took place in fitful sunshine and gusty westerly winds. Five entries braved the weather with Matt and Dave Oakley in a Dart 18 being the only double handed boat racing. A 6 metre tide gave plenty of water and wet shoes to Merlin when he and George Gilbert helped with the trolleys and rescued the tractor from the water. The 30 minute races saw  the Dart 18 leading the first race followed by Chris Goymer, Chris Brunger, and Richard Proctor in Blazes, and Mick in his Solo. for the first race. In the second race everyone had a good start and the same order was followed with Mick retiring before the first mark with a broken mainsheet jammer. The Dart 18 lost out at the windward mark to Goymer, but Brunger capsized letting Proctor through. On the last round at the gybe mark Brunger managed to overtake Proctor and regain his place.  Thanks must go to Mark Seagar and Abbie Williams in the safety boat, Ken Shepherd and  George Gilbert for their help for the Race Officer and Merlin and George for the beach crew.

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25/27th October

Lee Marriott's talk on Racing Rules and Tides on Friday evening was very well attended by juniors and adults. In our main hall Lee managed to include something for everyone, assisted by Olivia who was in charge of the Powerpoint. We were visited by four members of Tankerton Bay Sailing Club for the lecture and we hoped to entice them to join our Winter series. In the Eveleigh Lounge Tom and Christine were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary with a surprise party arranged by their friends.

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Laying Up Supper 

Saturday 9th November saw the club's end of season prize giving. 33 members and guests ate a delicious chilli with potato wedges cooked by Lisa Older and Romayne Goymer, followed by apple strudel and custard. Many more then joined in for the prizes, which were presented by Romayne, for the monthly series, as well as the Brass Monkey (Chris Goymer). Alan Brunger trophy, (most improved George Gilbert), Sheppey Shackle (Horse Buoy Race, Chris Goymer and Paul Wiseman) Brian Hughes Challenge Cup (best results in all races in same boat, Ken Sykes with various crews) Best results under 16  (James Oakley). Victory Cup. (Highest points in all series (Chris Goymer, Paul Wiseman and Connor Fray). Certificates were also presented to Juniors who had earned RYA Stages during the season, and the presentation was followed by a quiz hosted by Ken Sykes. Racing at IOSSC continues with the Winter Series until Christmas and the Frostbite Series from January until March. 

The IOSSC AGM will be on Sunday 8th December and our Christmas party will be Friday 13th December.

3rd November 2024

Sunday brought in a cold Easterly light breeze F2, with plenty of holes to be concerned about. 

First race of the day was the Brass Monkey Trophy Race, this has previously denoted the last race of the sailing season, so good time for Stuart Brown, a member previously for many years to come back and launch his Blaze.

The course comprised a beat east to the 'Chair' which is off Bartons Point and a long run down to a laid mark just off Garrison Point and then essentially a beat back through the line to finish.

Kevin Dutch sailing his A Class foiling cat, blew the daggerboard housing apart prior to the start. Chris Goymer lead the way in his Blaze, with Russ Wheeler back in his International Moth following close behind. That was until the run, where Chris Goymer and Chris Brunger took charge to the finish. Chris Goymer won the trophy.

A great showing from James Oakley & Conner Fray in their 29er and also Tede Gambell and Brandon Clymer in the Laser Vago

Full results are here;

The afternoon brought a slightly better breeze for the start of the Winter Series. This comprises of eight races, two races are run every other Sunday until Xmas. Races 1 and 2 were run today and this time Russell Wheeler managed to lead the pack, but it was Chris Goymer that won both races showing some good speed, but with Chris Brunger very close behind.

Full results are here;

October 2024 Series results

Well, the October Series with a bit of a drift around yesterday for all those that decided to compete. However, it was James Oakley in his Topper that has won the series by putting together an excellent set of results, never finishing lower than 5th.

I think we are all very pleased to see the effort James has put in, not just during this month but since he joined the club and wish him all the best for no doubt winning many more races, series and trophies at the club in the forthcoming years.

Well done James.

Full results here:


Sunday 17th November

Races Winter 3 and 4 took place in fitful sunshine and gusty westerly winds. Five entries braved the weather with Matt and Dave Oakley in a Dart 18 being the only double handed boat racing. A 6 metre tide gave plenty of water and wet shoes to Merlin when he and George Gilbert helped with the trolleys and rescued the tractor from the water. The 30 minute races saw  the Dart 18 leading the first race followed by Chris Goymer, Chris Brunger, and Richard Proctor in Blazes, and Mick in his Solo. for the first race. In the second race everyone had a good start and the same order was followed with Mick retiring before the first mark with a broken mainsheet jammer. The Dart 18 lost out at the windward mark to Goymer, but Brunger capsized letting Proctor through. On the last round at the gybe mark Brunger managed to overtake Proctor and regain his place.  Thanks must go to Mark Seagar and Abbie Williams in the safety boat, Ken Shepherd and  George Gilbert for their help for the Race Officer and Merlin and George for the beach crew.

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25/27th October

Lee Marriott's talk on Racing Rules and Tides on Friday evening was very well attended by juniors and adults. In our main hall Lee managed to include something for everyone, assisted by Olivia who was in charge of the Powerpoint. We were visited by four members of Tankerton Bay Sailing Club for the lecture and we hoped to entice them to join our Winter series. In the Eveleigh Lounge Tom and Christine were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary with a surprise party arranged by their friends.

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19th/20th October

A Scorpion open meeting was on the program for Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th October but that was cancelled. When it looked like Saturday was going to be a better day for sailing than Sunday, a few members decided to  make the most of the weather. Lee Marriott was the first, and had to open the flood gate to launch, in the gusty Westerly wind of about 18mph. He was enjoying his sail when Dave and James Oakley decided to try out their new 29er assisted by Merlin and Connor in the safety boat. Dave soon lost the boat to James and Connor who, wearing new matching drysuits and trapeze harnesses showed themselves to be a capable team. The tide rose to 6.20 metres and with no beach, Lee struggled to retrieve his trolley from 2 inches of water at the end of the rigging area when he came ashore. Following a successful Saturday, the Sunday forecast was 22 gusting 40mph South Westerly and rain,  although Russell had offered to run some races there were no takers and the flood gate stayed locked. Don't forget Lee's Racing Rules and Tactics evening on Friday 25th October at 7pm, suitable for everyone.

Sunday 13th October

Saturday evening was good for the club, with a hall hire birthday party, Chris Goymer was on duty in the bar helped by Ella Gambell (trainee bar person) until the early hours. Sunday was cold and almost windless, westerly 3 mph, with a few gusts and 2 races in the program in the morning and 2 in the afternoon.  5  boats ventured out for racing, James Oakley in his topper, Ian Brunger and Ken Sykes in  Ken's Wayfarer, Chris Goymer and Richard Proctor in Blazes, and Kevin Dutch in his newly acquired A class catamaran. Chris came ashore after the first race, and everyone else decided not to return to the water after lunch. With the temperature at 10 degrees and not enough wind to keep the circulation going, it was cold out there. Thanks must go to Chris Brunger and Mark Seagar for the safety boat and James Bell and Rik Sands for race officers, helped by Stan and Tim.

Results for October Series so far are here:

Sunday 6th October

The weather forecast on Sunday was 14mph gusting 28mph SSE cloudy. However the sun did try to poke through the clouds and with a fairly flat sea, 7 boats took to the water. Sheppey Sea Cadets joined in the racing with Ella Gambell as their Instructor in the Wetline. In the Nacra 20 Dave realised he had forgotten his trapeze harness but he managed to borrow an ancient one from Ken Shepherd and he and Kevin just managed to launch in time. Mick Greenland was race officer and he set a small course as the fleet was 2 juniors , 3 Sea Cadets in a Quest, Wayfarer, 2 Darts and the Nacra. The wind was varying from a gentle breeze inshore to strong gusts further out and the cats were doing zoomies round and round the short course. Kevin and Dave were approaching the mark at the club when they got caught on the buoy and stopped dead just as they were raising their spinnaker. It proved quite difficult the free the boat and Dave had to get in the water to push the mooring tackle under the rudder. At the same time as this was happening and the Nacra was attended by the safety boat Ken Sykes and Craig Bootes capsized in the Wayfarer. Without any help Ken and Craig managed to right their boat and Kevin and Dave freed themselves from the buoy. Most sailors decided the morning races were enough for the day and the afternoon races were entered by only James Oakley in his Topper and Chris Goymer and Paul Wiseman in a Dart 18. Congratulations to James for beating Chris and Paul. 

*****Stop press**** -- James' Dad has brought it to our attention that a full size Topper rig was used that day, so results have been adjusted to suit. This means that Chris did manage to beat James, but only by 8 seconds. Still a very splendid effort from James to come that close.


Sunday 17th November

Races Winter 3 and 4 took place in fitful sunshine and gusty westerly winds. Five entries braved the weather with Matt and Dave Oakley in a Dart 18 being the only double handed boat racing. A 6 metre tide gave plenty of water and wet shoes to Merlin when he and George Gilbert helped with the trolleys and rescued the tractor from the water. The 30 minute races saw  the Dart 18 leading the first race followed by Chris Goymer, Chris Brunger, and Richard Proctor in Blazes, and Mick in his Solo. for the first race. In the second race everyone had a good start and the same order was followed with Mick retiring before the first mark with a broken mainsheet jammer. The Dart 18 lost out at the windward mark to Goymer, but Brunger capsized letting Proctor through. On the last round at the gybe mark Brunger managed to overtake Proctor and regain his place.  Thanks must go to Mark Seagar and Abbie Williams in the safety boat, Ken Shepherd and  George Gilbert for their help for the Race Officer and Merlin and George for the beach crew.

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25/27th October

Lee Marriott's talk on Racing Rules and Tides on Friday evening was very well attended by juniors and adults. In our main hall Lee managed to include something for everyone, assisted by Olivia who was in charge of the Powerpoint. We were visited by four members of Tankerton Bay Sailing Club for the lecture and we hoped to entice them to join our Winter series. In the Eveleigh Lounge Tom and Christine were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary with a surprise party arranged by their friends.

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1st October

Thanks to Dave and Terry for sorting the external lighting out under the veranda and Mick for sorting the guttering and general drainage. No doubt Ken Sykes was also involved somewhere  in this part of the veranda rebuild project

Sunday 29th September

Sunday greeted us with a cold and gusty South Easterly breeze. Autumn had arrived for sure, with the heating on in the club, would anyone want to venture out?

Yes they did, we had 10 hardy sailors ready to start at 11am to compete for the final two races of the September Series. So keen in fact, Chris Goymer and Alex Perriman (both in Blazes) made a joint decision to start at 10.59.55 sec to be precise for Race 9 and were promptly sent back behind the start line to start correctly. First to the windward mark was Lee Marriott in his Blaze recovering well from a poor start. James Bell  in the Laser (ILCA7) and Mick Greenland in his Solo were ever present. Great to see Dean Abra out in the Challenger, showing great pace on the reaches. 

The course was small and meant that the leading boats could do 5 laps and James Oakley in the Topper could still do 3 laps. 

Winner of the race was Lee, 2nd Chris G, 3rd James

Race 10 started, this time everyone was a little more careful on the start line. Mick got a flyer from the middle of the line, favoured end was near the shore, but not so favoured when there is little wind. This caught many out including Lee and Alex. Start of the race can be seen in on the video attached. Again Lee showed great pace and won, Chris G decided to do a depth test on the run and can advise all that the depth is less than his mast is long. Once Chris had accepted outside assistance from the safety crew (thanks to Jeff Barber and Dave Oakley), that was him done. Quick retirement and last seen on a sailing website, bulk buying some new burgees, so should have enough till Xmas

James secured 2nd place with Mick in 3rd.

Overall the September Series has finished, James Bell has again won another series, sailing 5 of the 7 races sailed and never out of the top 3. Did I hear someone saying the Catamarans win everything?

Well done to James for securing both August and September series this year.

Full results can be seen here

September Race Results

Mick's beautiful wooden Solo

All ready for the first race

Sunday 22nd September

Sunday dawned with what was no wind, very little water and not many members about for the 'Spare' Race. So, it was decided the best course of action was to cancel the race and wait till after lunch for Races 7 & 8. 

This turned out to be just what was required, as the water duly returned with some wind and members showed up ready for the races. With a healthy 11 boats ready on the start line, the start sequence commenced for Race 7. With Russ and Lee running the races and Ken Sykes in the Tower for training, it was decided that it was best to show Ken what to do if the starting sequence goes wrong. So, first start aborted and quickly new start procedure in place. 

With the wind softening throughout the race, Ian Brunger showed not only great speed and skill winning the first race, holding off his son on the final tack to the line by a mere 5 seconds. A sneaky tack underneath Chris and then forcing him to keep clear won it for Ian. I bet it was hard going for Chris growing up with Ian determined to beat him at all costs :) .

Race 8 had a clean countdown and a clean start from all competitors. Again Ian managed to win the race, ensuring Chris B  stayed behind. This time Mick Greenland was closest on handicap to come within 7 seconds of Ian. 

Stand out result for sure was George Brown in the Topper coming in a respectable 6th place, in doing so, beat Chris Goymer & Connor Fray in the Dart 18. I bet Connor could tell a few stories on what went wrong with Chris today. Best not mention Richard Proctor's disqualification for not going through the start/finish line !

By the end of the day, the wind had died to nothing, tide was fully in and the rain had started.

A great afternoon sailing for all, results of full series including Races 7 & 8 can be found here.

Sunday 15th September

Sunday started out as a cool September day with little wind and no sun. As the day progressed and the sun came out, things warmed up and members arrived to make the most of the sunshine The water was clear and flat and the wind increased to 10mph but, it dropped again to 3mph gusting 15 SW-W. George, Connor and Frankie sailed a Feva coached by Ian and Mark in the safety boat, and Alex launched his Miracle. Chas made a welcome return to the club, sailing Roger Baker's Dart 15, Chris and Paul, and Rob and Caroline were in their Dart 18s. James Bell made a last minute appearance with his Laser while  Jeff  sailed his  Solo. Russell and Lee were at Grafham Water with their Scorpion attracting entrants for our Scorpion Open Meeting in October.

Derek Darley and Tim Bell were Race Officers for the races 4,5 and 6. 

Results can be found here:

Sunday 8th September

After the calm day on Saturday, SW 8mph gusting 25mph winds were forecast for Sunday. This turned out to be an overestimate as the morning was as calm as the previous day. 4 boats took to the water in the afternoon but all races were cancelled because of the lack of wind.  James Oakley and Connor had a play on a Dart 18 with Dave, and Merlin and Ken Sykes took out some prospective Juniors for next year. Ken also took Nicola a crew in training for a sail. The day ended when the thunder started and everybody came ashore quickly, thanks  to the safety boat crew Jeff Barber and Ken Shepherd.  Russell was at the Osprey Nationals at Poole and many other members were catching up on tasks which they had put off for the Island Race.

Combined Sea Cadets and IOS Training Day

Saturday 7th September   The club anemometer registered 0 mph, yet we had arranged tor  the  Sheppey Sea Cadets  to join us at IOS Sailing Club for a combined day of sailing. As we could not provide our waters for good sailing they provided theirs for some fun. So we all walked round, set up using their boats and the last day of IOSSC training was not wasted, all of our  cadets got on well.

Racing is still on for anyone who wants it, and on Friday 25th October at 7pm Lee Marriott will be giving a presentation on Race Rules and Tactics. Everyone is welcome,  adults and Juniors, members and non members, the bar will be open. Find out how to be the winner.

Island Race 24

Island Race 24 started with a blow. The Saturday racing round the cans was cancelled due to strong onshore  winds, gusts of 35mph were recorded. The committee boat had to be beached for some emergency repairs on Saturday evening. Thanks must go to Joe Baker for his expertise at short notice and Chris Goymer who put the boat back on the mooring in the dark.. The quiz with Bob Oakley was very well received with a packed clubhouse of members, guests and  volunteers.  Sunday morning dawned with a better forecast ENE force 4-5, the slow handicap and the lone windsurfer had a hard beat on the first leg but every boat made it into the Swale. The cats had a roaring start with the F18s rapidly overhauling the Dart and themselves blasted by the Nacra 20. At Sheerness after the start there was time for the Junior members to organise some trolleys, when they were called  to help boats under the bridge. The bridge party arrived just in time to meet the cats, first the Nacra and then the F18s. The dinghies were next ,with the Blazes chasing the cats, followed by the slower boats. Back at the club the windsurfer was first over the line followed by the Nacra who very nearly beat the course record. The Island Race is the last in the Allen Endurance Series and prizes were donated by Allen Brothers  Next Year's Island Race will be on 7th September 2025

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Island Race Quiz and Barbecue Night this Saturday

Burgers and sausages from 5pm, Quiz by Bob Oakley at 7pm

Everyone welcome, bring your friends

Bank Holiday Monday 26th August

An unplanned day of fun on the water just happened on Monday with Merlin and James Brown providing safety  cover for the fleet. With a South Westerly wind Force 4 gusting Force 6, James O and Connor changed from a racing to a training sail on their Feva, but they still had plenty of capsize practise. George was out in his Topper proving that his holiday sailing in Wales was not wasted, and being dwarfed by the Nacra whizzing past. Mr Goymer was out on his Blaze for a blast before returning to the club to launch the Committee boat. The Sea Cadets rigged their Vago supervised by Scott, and then sailed 3 up.. Ken Sykes after a morning working on the club and committee boat, managed to launch in the afternoon and gave joyrides to no less than 4 people.

Upgrades to the Kitchen are always welcome

Ken Sykes has been hard at work providing better cooking facilities in the Kitchen over the winter. Now the summer is in full swing, had had to revisit the kitchen to put a blind up. This now provides the club with a first class kitchen which can be enjoyed by all. This is going to be put to the test for the Island Race this coming weekend.

Racing results from 25th August

With a spare race in the morning, with it blowing a South Westerly F4-5 but with no water, it was decided by the race officer that a postponement was in order. 

The boats got away using an extended line, the Dart 18 of Chris Goymer and Paul Wiseman, clocked up an impressive six laps in a mere 33 minutes, they lead the way with Mick Greenland deciding to take on crewing duties for Derek Darley.

Six boats finished, with Chris Brunger showing everyone that capsizing could well be available to all if not careful.

Results can be seen here:


The afternoon brought a little more wind and a lot more water. Racing to the Horse Buoy and back, for those not knowing where this is located, it is past Queenborough and near the old coal washer at Rushenden.

First to get off the line were Kevin Dutch and Scott Atkinson in Roger Baker's Dart 18. Some explaining would have to take place after they managed to split the mainsail in two, through wind alone.

Chris and Paul in their Dart 18 promptly took the lead with the two Dart 15's of Derek and Mick sailing two up, against Ken Shepherd alone following hot on their heels. Strangely, the configurations have the same handicap allocated to them. 

Russ Wheeler in the Blaze and the Wayfarers of Merlin/Connor & George followed by Ken Sykes and Elaine Turner close behind.

After rounding the Horse Buoy in what seemed like very sheltered and calm conditions led Russ in the Blaze to head for the safety of Queenborough slipway, Merlin/Connor & George managed a capsize in the Wayfarer and were seen bailing out at a rapid rate. Ken and Elaine decided to head for home after coming all the way to the buoy, didn't go round it.

First home and first on handicap were Chris and Paul, with Ken just managing to sneak past Derek & Mick and come second by a mere 6 seconds. 

Merlin, Connor and George did exceptionally well by completing the whole course under what seemed like windy and rough day out by the docks.

Full results are here:


All buoyed up for the committee boat - August 23rd

With an extremely low tide, a big south westerly wind, this proved a great opportunity to reattach the committee boats mooring which broke last year. What could go wrong? Well, the fact it was pitch black didn't help !

Chris Goymer with able bucket carrying assistant ventured out into the dark to search for the mooring base. After a few false alarms, including finding Joe Baker's jib tackle (which he didn't even know he lost) and a possible bomb, the mooring was successfully reattached and ready for the committee boat. 

Below are some photos of the night and also a gauge for fellow sailors to know how deep it is when you can see the fat part of the base of the outer pole (think lamp post design). Remember though, Chris isn't six foot tall !

Racing Results from 18th August

With the final four races to be held to complete the August Series, was there anyone that could stop James Bell from winning it? Well, it turned out the only person that could stop him, would be James himself, if he didn't turn up!

Morning races were run in a North Westerly breeze which ranged from F2-4 which meant plenty of holes to fall in. First out of the blocks was Russ Wheeler sailing his Solo (for sale if anyone wants to buy it) which went well and took James at least a lap before being caught on the water. With the three Dart 15's having their own race and Jeff Barber in his Solo never far behind. 

Once the results were done, James and Russ had tied 1st place with exactly the same time, both now thinking, if only I had put that little bit more effort in.

Race 2 was a different story, Derek Darley in the Dart 15 got away early and won with convincing ease, leaving James in second place.

After lunch, it was noted that the breeze was somewhat losing its power and the fleet. James managed to win this one, with the Wayfarer of Ken Sykes and Connor Fray in second place.

Finally , the last race of the series, was run in what was left of the breeze, with James winning this it meant that the August Race Series was awarded to him. Well done for a consistent series with 8 out of the 10 races managing to post either a win or a second place.

Full results for the series are linked below.


Verandah roof completed - 18th August

Earlier in the year a work party lead by Matt and Dave Oakley removed the old Verandah from in front of the lounge bar and replaced the joists. More recently, Ken Sykes, Mark Seager and Ian Brunger have installed the UPVC clear roof on the joists. Plans to tidy the brickwork and install some lighting are afoot. Watch this space

18th August - New CCTV camera installed

After recent vandalism to the outside seating area, a new CCTV camera has been installed to help monitor this area. This now means we have a total of nine CCTV cameras located around the clubhouse which record 24/7. Only our Welfare Officer has access to these cameras and the recordings. Attached is the view to the seating area, which has now been aligned so that the horizon is now horizontal!

12th and 13th August at IOSSC

Monday 12th August began quietly with an ebb tide,  and a gentle South Westerly wind rising  through the day. Gusty conditions made life interesting for the 14 sailors and the hot and humid day made it pleasant to be on, or in some cases in, the water. At lunch time Lee gave lectures on tides and the racing rules to a rapt audience of adults and children, I think it was the hula hoops that did it. A few competitions and of course the mandatory capsize practice ended in some smart tacking to get back to shore in the dying breeze.

Tuesday 13th August With low tide at  12-17  the rocks were showing on the beach making it a challenge to launch the Safety boats.  The wind started out WSW but later backed to S and finally to SE which caused confusion to some. Connor and James were determined to get to grips with launching the spinnaker on the Feva, and they managed it rather well. The the last game of the day was the ice cream game which involved transporting ice cream from the safety boat to shore in 4 runs by teams of 3, i ashore and 2 on the boat..  The 15 sailors included juniors, adults and Sea Cadets had a wonderful 2 days on the water in glorious sunshine. Some of our Juniors will be attending fun and games with the Sea Cadets on Wednesday evening.

Thanks go to all of those who made it possible, Instructors, Welfare and Safety boat crews

14th August

Rumours are rife that the kitchen may well be getting a coffee machine, maybe even ready for the weekend. 

11th August - Racing Results

Sunday was a beautiful day to go sailing. Plenty of sun and an Easterly breeze that built throughout the day. 

The morning race was counted as a Spare as low water was bang on the start time of 11am. With 13 boats racing and plenty of others just sailing around for fun, this was going to be a great day. Great to see Dean back in his Challenger, informing the race officer that he wasn't racing, just going for some fun.

Lee Marriott in the Blaze made the best start on the extended line, but was soon over taken by Chris Goymer and Paul Wiseman in the Dart 18. Mick Greenland sailing his newly acquired 30 year old Solo, probably the best looking wooden Solo ever was also showing great pace. 

With Lee making a wise decision to give up the race and check on Dean (Dean was fine), this meant that Chris & Paul won, with Chris Brunger in the Laser placed 2nd and Mick 3rd.

Full results here:


By the time everyone had lunch and was ready to go again, the wind had picked up and the tide was incoming. This meant there was going to be some fun with waves if you like that kind of stuff. Chris Brunger managed a full capsize of his Laser on the beach even before launching, impressive stuff.

August races 5 & 6 were set to ensure some fun reaches. Throughout the racing, the safety boat was kept busy, James Oakley in the Topper was showing impressive speed, but succumbed to lack of weight against wind. Alex and Imogen in the Miracle showed how to capsize and video it for everyone's enjoyment. However, top marks for capsizing goes to Ian Brunger who showed first how to capsize a Dart 15, then float past the clubhouse with the tide, in full view of onlookers, then to bring it upright as if nothing had happened.

Meanwhile racing was tight, but the wind and course favoured the Dart18 of Chris and Paul this week and won both races. Mick seemed at home in the Solo and posted good results, Lee mastered his gybing technique and Merlin, William and Connor in the 420 trucked round the course to make it look effortless out there.

Full results of the August series and races 5 & 6 can be found here;


4th August - Racing Results

On Sunday the 4th August we were greeted with some lovely warm weather but alas, not much wind. August race series kicked off, with races 1-4

Ian Brunger stepped in as Race Officer and ran all four races from the safety boat.

With a somewhat large course to begin with as the what wind there was, dropped just prior to the first race. James Bell showed a clean pair of heels in all races winning by quite some margin

George Brown in the Topper showed great skill and speed by coming second in both the morning races.

A couple of boats sailed were not identified on the signing on sheet, if anyone knows who was sailing them, please let me know using

Below is the link to the results for the series so far;


28th July at IOSSC

On Sunday July 28th there was no racing because no one had volunteered to be Race Officer. However with an early morning high tide and 2 mph Easterly wind the Junior members were keen to have a go at paddleboarding before their sailing.  We were visited by a contingent from Alexandra Yacht Club and Thames Estuary Yacht Club who spent an enjoyable few hours at the bar with Ken Sykes. With the bright sun bringing a sea breeze, 16 people signed up to go on the water as the wind increased to 12mph  for a fun sail, including the foiling Nacra 20 ,with Kevin and Dave. Derek also had a fast cat experience with Scott on a Dart 18. Sunday was the second day of the .Powerboat 2 course for Paul, Gina and Darren instructed by Mark and Lincoln. A Safety Boat course will take place on 17th and 18th August and has one place left for £150. Thanks go to Ken, Sarah and Ethan who made all of this possible.

Read more »

July20/21st at IOSSC

Saturday morning started with 4 adults learning the ropes with Scott Atkinson  and the Instructors. The afternoon brought the Junior members on the water and the adults sailing with an instructor. Sunday started with rain and a sailable wind but although the rain died away, so did the wind. Races 7 & 8 went ahead but the afternoon races were cancelled due to the calm conditions which resulted in a Pico paddling session. Many families chose to watch the sailing  in the sunshine on Sunday afternoon, as the Level 1 learners sailed a triangle course alone for the first time. This was quite an achievement with the  lack of wind and an ebbing tide. Thanks to all who helped with both adults and Juniors.

13th/14th July at IOSSC

15 Jul 2024 10:26


Saturday at IOS Sailing Club  was a great day for the Juniors after the bad weather of the previous week. They finally got to go sailing. Next Saturday is the last of the Junior Sailing sessions and the first day of the Adult Level 1 course.                                                   Sunday 14th July started with low wind speed and low water. Russell Wheeler as  Race officer set a triangle and sausage course, for the two Spare races in the morning. In the afternoon increasing wind and a rising tide brought  more interesting conditions for Lee Marriott as Race Officer. Thanks to Mark Seagar and Abbie Williams for safety boat