
Membership 1 jan -31 Dec 2024 1 July-31 Dec
Family membership 2 co-habiting adults and their dependant children under 18 £205 £103
Individual adult £170 £85
Student under 25 in full time education £75 £38
Senior, past state pension age £75 £38
Swimming and paddlesports £75 £38
Social £20 £10
Junior under 18 £75 £38

Individual Adult, Student, Senior and Family members are entitled to one vote per membership at the AGM on the first Sunday in December

Boat parking is available for regularly used boats at Sheerness and unused boats and large catamarans at Minster.                                £11.50 per square metre at Sheerness and £5.50 per square metre at Minster.

We will always find a space at Sheerness for an active member's boat.

As the club is run by volunteers, members are asked to do 3 duties a year. Duties will be, Safety Boat Helm [RYA power Boat 2 certificate required] Safety Boat Crew, Race Officer and Assistant Race Officer. Training will be provided and inexperienced members will be paired with more experienced members.  Juniors, Swimmers, Social members and those with a medical exemption will be excused. Members required to do duties will be sent a personalised link to Dutyman where they can sign up to their preferred dates.

Volunteers are also needed to help run our events as well as kitchen and bar staff and general maintenance.

Families are welcome and junior members may take part in Saturday afternoon sailing with our instructors in June and July, and take assessments for RYA certificates. once they have reached a suitable level of competence they may race a club boat on Sundays.

Please read the Constitution before you sign up below